
Fun house


Awesome > Tuesday, February-12-2008

Smallest car in the world

Forget about Mini Cooper, Suzuki Swift or other co called small cars, they're literally huge compared to this: the Peel P50. This car is just 53 inches (1.34m) long and 39 inches (99cm) wide and a 50hp motor that can get you to a top speed of 38mph. Ok, speed isn't it's advantage, but you can drive it even in an elevator ... literally!

What's funny is that Jeremy Clarkson drove that car when it looked perfect for Richard Hammond. :D
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Comments for Smallest car in the world

o pequenino

ele é super pratico muito engraçado e muito bonitinho é um carro que toda mulher deveria ter sua casa :cool:
posted by jane kelly de oliveira zulato at Tuesday, October-07-2008 21:46pm

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:clap: :doh: :hand: :pray: :think: :wall: :D :-/ :cool: :cry: :o :evil: :mad: :| :red: :roll: :( :)
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