
Fun house


Great things that are always worth watching.

Awesome > Wednesday, April-11-2007


If you are crazy about media, this is the tool you need. With an incredibly easy to use remote control and dozens of features, it's the most advanced and intuitive tool for anyone. Just watch this video and be amazed. Microsoft, get lost!

Awesome > Sunday, April-08-2007

Best Animation of the Year

Ok, I've seen many animations in my life, but this one is truly special. It is a presentation video for the Studio Dialog, but trust me, it is worth watching.

Awesome > Saturday, April-07-2007

See how $206 million in cash looks like

$206 million in cash

As you can see in this article $206 million dollars in cash was found in a Mexican drug raid, centered around trackers in pseudoephedrin - used to make methamphetamine.

Awesome > Saturday, April-07-2007

Robocop Suit

This guy's invention is called the Trojan Suit and is bullet-proof, explosion-proof, has lots and lots of gadgets (even infrared vision), even has air-conditioning. And on top, you can actually move with it. Oh, and it looks amazing.

Awesome > Friday, April-06-2007

The Lost Room Trailer

Aired on Sci-fi channel in December 2006, The Lost Room in one thrilling mini-series that might even change your view on things. The story follows a detective as he investigates a mysterious motel room, which acts as a portal to an alternate universe. For all fans of movies with paranormal activities (remember X-Files?) this is a must see.

Awesome > Wednesday, April-04-2007

1966 King Size Coca Cola Commercial - The Brothers Four & Anita Bryant

He's a true classic: a 1966 commercial for Coca-Cola featuring The Brothers Four & Anita Bryant on the beach. Pretty cool really.

Warning: the volume for this video is VERY low.

Awesome > Tuesday, April-03-2007

Extreme Ski-Gliding

The 14th of june, Fran�ois Bon and Antoine Montant did the world first speedflying descent of the mount Eiger in Swiss.

Full Story

Awesome > Monday, April-02-2007

Crazy Snowmobile Hill Climbing

Just how crazy can someone be? Well, climbing a mountain up to the top with a snowmobile, doing some incredible jumps near the edge and not stopping even when you started an avalanche .. I think that's pretty extreme.

Awesome > Monday, April-02-2007

James Cameron's Stereoscopic 3D camera

Using a technology inspired from human visual system, James Cameron and his crew managed to create a camera that can create movies very close to what we see in 3 dimensions. First movie created with this amazing camera is due to be released in mid 2007 and his work sure seems to be promising.

Awesome > Sunday, April-01-2007

Why Americans Are Fat

Why Americans are fat - drive by dog walking
Full Story

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