
Fun house



Just what you need and you look for a laugh.

Funny > Tuesday, January-09-2007

First fully automated plane

Welcome to the first flight of the brand new Airbus - first fully automated plane in the world. Let's watch it .. cut some trees and .. almost fly. :D

Full Story

Funny > Tuesday, January-09-2007

Texas Rabbits Rule

Some snakes just can't bite a rabbit :D

Funny > Monday, January-08-2007

Bill Gates retirement

We all know Bill Gates is a rich man .. but how would his retirement look like? Here's how it was imagined on David Letterman's show. :D

Funny > Friday, January-05-2007

Why Idiots Prevail

If you still needed a proof idiots people with low IQ reproduce faster that smart people .. but of course this wouldn't be interesting for anyone if it hadn't been made in a funny manner :D

Funny > Thursday, January-04-2007

Will it blend? [Spoof]

As you have seen in this video some blenders can blend almost anything (even an iPod) .. Now it's time to laugh with this spoof that will show you how some things really won't blend :doh:

Funny > Tuesday, January-02-2007

First Snow chain reaction car crash

What happens when a street is slippery and people still drive with speed? It results in a very nice chain reaction car bump.

Funny > Saturday, December-30-2006

Movie mistakes compilation

A very interesting (and funny) compilation of movie mistakes thanks to Includes movies such as Batman Returns, Braveheart, Gladiator, Star Wars and many others. Enjoy! :D

Funny > Wednesday, December-20-2006

Hi Jack funny video

The movie is called "O Schucks Im Gatvol" and this gag is one of the best ever.

Funny > Wednesday, December-20-2006

Everyone has had more sex than me

"Everyone has had more sex than me" - a cute funny video with a bunny who has problems in his sexual life.

Funny > Tuesday, December-19-2006

Drunk Fails Sobriety Test

A drunk driver fails a sobriety test even before it begins. Makes you think again next time you want to take your ride for a spin in the middle of the night. :doh:

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