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Sexy > Friday, May-11-2007

Anna Lesko - Romanian Beauty

Anna Lesko is one of the hottest Romanian singers. Enjoy this hot collection with some of the finest photos.

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Comments for Anna Lesko - Romanian Beauty


warum den rumaenische?!?!?!?!??!?!?!

Anna Lesko is doch russin, und ihre richtige Name war Leskova, sie ist mit 18 nach Rumaenien umgezogen, und jetzt singt sie auch auf rumaenisch... aber dass heisst noch nicht dass sie eine Romanian Beauty ist, sondern eine Beauty from Russia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by Guest at Tuesday, August-21-2007 16:46pm

poor you..

are you stupid?there are so many influences in romania....east influences some kind of russian caracteristics,balcanian influences,hungary influences....romanian people are all that people born and live in romania...anna lesko too;have you ever been in romania?i don't think so;if tou would go some day you will see many"ann lesko"girls in romania(there are a lot of splendid woman in romania);i advice you to study more history,it would be very usefull for know romania has a very beautiful history.from a "doch"romanian girl;take care...
posted by nicoless79 at Tuesday, June-10-2008 22:43pm

sarac de tine....

da ce mama naibii tot vorbesti acolo in germana ca nu te intelege ce anna lesko nu poate fi romanca in conceptia ta?in romania sunt fete frumoase de toate tipurile,o stie toata lumea;daca te duci in romania ai sa vezi ca nu te vei mai intoarce la grasunele tale palide in revedere neamtule...vorbesti romaneste?ia-ti un traducator te rog,nu pierde ocazia de a te ilumina putin......fa-o pt rasa umana te rog....pllllleeeaa.....:-)
posted by clara at Tuesday, June-10-2008 22:48pm

saracd de voi toti...

Ana Lesco e Basarabeanca. Numele de familie e rus in rest e singe basarabean.
Dar important om sa fie

Sanatate :clap:
posted by cas at Saturday, September-20-2008 08:05am


Horosha Anka. Nasha, Vasha, Ih. Kakaia k chertu raznitza. Krasivaia i horosho poet.
posted by Vovka at Thursday, December-04-2008 02:57am


"romanca" ? fals ! talentata poate in alte domenii,dar nu si in muzica ! "hot" ? poate...pozele nu "vorbesc".... si cam atat...nimic mai mult...chiar nimic....dezamagire si atat.
posted by dante at Thursday, December-04-2008 22:58pm

gente que ni si quiera sabe: que lea libro de historia

soy de mexico, no se mucho de rumania pero las mujeres guau son muy bellas y su gente tambien, como quiciera que algien de rumania me envie por mail, videos musicales de artistas y cantantes por que se que su musica estan bonitas y que cantan muy bien, mi mail es: ([email protected]). gracias :pray:
posted by clemente at Sunday, December-21-2008 18:24pm


ce faci!
posted by ana maria at Monday, December-22-2008 20:53pm


puta(curva) :red: :wall:
posted by andrutza at Monday, December-22-2008 20:54pm


posted by Guest at Sunday, February-15-2009 17:55pm


dute in moldova zdreanta ca iai loat pe toti la rind :
posted by Guest at Sunday, February-15-2009 18:00pm

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:clap: :doh: :hand: :pray: :think: :wall: :D :-/ :cool: :cry: :o :evil: :mad: :| :red: :roll: :( :)
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