
Fun house


Weird > Wednesday, November-19-2008

Japanese Breast Song

Japan is full of crazy weird stuff .. and this song is a pretty good example: The Oppay Song (The Breast Song). It seems they sing it to their children when they're small. :|

(a lot of chests)

ぼくがのんで いもうとものんだのに
I drank it. My sister also drank it.

ちっちゃくならない ママのおっぱい
But mother’s chest that doesn’t become small

おふろのなかで さわらせてもらったら
I was going to touch it in the bath.

空気たりない ゴムマリみたい
It’s by not sufficing of air like the rubber ball.

ぼくがのんで いもうとものんだから
’cause I drank it, my sister also drank it.

おっぱいがでない ママのおっぱい
Milk became it from mother’s chest.

あまかったのか 思い出せない
It was sweet or is not possible to recall it.

たくさんのんだはずなのに へんね
It is strange though should have drunk a lot.

おっぱいが いっぱい
a lot of chests.

おっぱいが いっぱい
a lot of chests.

おっぱいが いっぱい
a lot of chests.

うれしいな さわりたい
I am glad, and wanna touch woman’s chest.

ぼくがのんで いもうとものんだのに
I drank it. My sister also drank it.

おっきなままだね ママのおっぱい
But mother’s chest doesn’t change like being big.

ひとさしゆびで ちょこんとおしたら
It was lightly pushed by the forefinger.

びっくりするほど やわらかだった
It was very soft surprisingly.

ぼくがのんで いもうとものんだから
’cause I drank it, my sister also drank it.

おっぱいがでない ママのおっぱい
Milk became it from mother’s chest.

もひとり赤ちゃん 生れるときは
Is another baby born

また出るようになるのかな ふしぎ
and does milk go out? So, wonder!!

おっぱいが いっぱい
a lot of chests.

おっぱいが いっぱい
a lot of chests.

おっぱいが いっぱい
a lot of chests.

きれいだな だいすきさ It’s very beautiful so. I’m lovin’ it.

おっぱいが いっぱい
a lot of chests.

おっぱいが いっぱい
a lot of chests.

おっぱいが いっぱい
a lot of chests.

きれいだな だいすきさ
It’s very beautiful so. I’m lovin’ it.

.. and you wonder where hentai comes from, eh?

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