
Fun house



Great things that are always worth watching.

Awesome > Saturday, September-15-2007

How to make a glowing tomato

Do you want to see a trick that will most likely amaze all your friends? Try this one. You will need some matches, a knife, a phial and some bleach. And of course .. a tomato.

Awesome > Tuesday, September-11-2007

Fuel of the future: Saltwater

Believe it or not, inventor John Kanzius found a way to turn plain saltwater into fuel. Using sound waves at a specific frequency, he made the particles separate and the hydrogen from salt water to be released. Hydrogen burns at an incredible high temperature so this could eventually be an alternative power source.

Awesome > Monday, September-03-2007

Amazing content-aware image sizing technique

This video by Dr. Ariel Shamir shows off his presentation on content-aware image sizing that was presented at SIGGRAPH this year. What this means that you can resize (both shrink AND expand) and image with minimal visible loss. It's ... unbelievable until you see it for yourself :o

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Awesome > Monday, September-03-2007

Awesome Face Mask Illusion

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Awesome > Monday, September-03-2007

Awesome Pepper Trick

Here's a trick you can use to pretty much amaze any of your friends. You only need a dish, some water, a bit of pepper (black) ... and a secret ingredient (sorry, but you'll have to watch the video to see if for yourself).

Awesome > Friday, August-31-2007

Team Fortress 2 - Meet The Soldier

I don't know about you, but I simply love the trailer for Team Fortress 2 - Meet The Soldier! It's brilliant! It's colorful, it's full of explosions and has some of the best lines ever when it comes to game trailers. And did I mention lots of explosions? :D

Awesome > Wednesday, August-29-2007

Insane R/C helicopter

Just watch this guy doing some gravity-defying stunts with a R/C helicopter ... that's pretty darn cool. :o

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Awesome > Monday, August-27-2007

Amazing Singer Using Only His Feet

There aren't so many people that can sing even with their fingers, but this guy manages to play the guitar really impressive (not to mention his voice!). Just .. wow!

Awesome > Monday, August-27-2007

The Future of Mobile Technology

Could this be the future of technology? Mobile devices able to perform all the functions or a powerful computer, able to even communicate with people and help us even more in the daily tasks? I don't know, but in this case, the future sounds pretty cool.

Awesome > Thursday, August-23-2007

Fastest Drinker in the World

You have to see this one for yourself to believe it. This (japanese) guy manages to empty a 2 liters bottle of water in just 04:88 (and no, those are not minutes, they are seconds). :o

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